
Fight Crab 2 early access scheduled for winter 2023

Fight Crab 2 early access scheduled for winter 2023

The crustacean action game series Fight Crab, developed by Calappa Games, recently unveiled its latest installment, Fight Crab 2, during the PLAYISM Game Show. The game is planned to be released in Early Access in the winter of 2023 and will be available on PC (Steam).

Fight Crab 2 is the highly anticipated sequel to Fight Crab, a fighting action game that incorporates strategic elements in physics-based crustacean battles. In Career Mode, players can challenge various enemies and come up with their own fighting style. Online multiplayer gameplay that could accommodate up to 5 players also allows players to fight with crabs from all around the world!

Fight Crab 2 expands on the control mechanics of the original Fight Crab by introducing the "Modern" control option, resembling the control style found in traditional third-person action games. Additionally, real-time commentary is provided throughout each match, enhancing the players' overall experience. Crabs now have the ability to acquire skills that enable them to execute specific actions automatically. These enhancements collectively contribute to making Fight Crab 2 more user-friendly and accessible for players of all levels.

Not only that, Fight Crab 2 will also offer a diverse range of weapons, including daggers, chainsaws, motorcycles, drills, jet thrusters, and even fantasy artifacts like the Excalibur and Nimbus cloud. Players can equip their crab's pincers with these weapons, combining them with various superpower skills to execute spectacular and explosive maneuvers.



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