Initially a manga series written and illustrated by Piroya ピロヤ, Dekoboko Majo no Oyako Jijou (“The Family Circumstances of the Mismatched Witches”) has announced a 2023 TV anime broadcast.
Alongside the release of teaser visuals, it is revealed that Aoi Koga will be playing Alyssa (left), while her adoptive daughter Viola (right) will be played by Nana Mizuki.
Dekoboko Majo no Oyako Jijou follows the story of Alyssa, a witch who lives alone in the forest. She picked up a human baby one day, named her Viola and decided to raise her despite her confusion. 16 years later, Viola has grown beyond expectations into a woman with exceptional proportions, with some people even mistook Viola for Alyssa’s mother … This is a slice of life comedy depicting the relationship of mother and daughter who appearances defy expectations.
- Alyssa: Aoi Koga (also Kaguya Shinomiya in Kaguya-sama: Love is War)
- Viola: Nana Mizuki (also Hinata Hyuga in Naruto)