The light novel series Classroom for Heroes, written by Shin Araki and illustrated by Haruyuki Morisawa, announced its TV anime adaptation back in 2021. Recently, the anime has released an official character introduction PV, along with detailed information about the production team and voice cast. The anime is scheduled to premiere in July 2023 and will be produced by Actas.
Classroom for Heroes revolves around the protagonist, Blade, who loses his hero's powers after defeating the Demon King. Instead, he now leads a peaceful life without the need for fighting and adventuring. However, the King then establishes Rosewood Academy with the intention of training the next generation of heroes, and insists that Blade attends. Why cultivate heroes when there is no longer a Demon King to defeat?!
- Original by: Shin Araki & Haruyuki Morisawa
- Directed by: Keiichiro Kawaguchi
- Series composed by: Naoki Hayashi
- Characters designed by: Kosuke Kawamura
- Studio: Actas
- Blade: Reiji Kawashima
- Arnest Flaming: Misuzu Yamada
- Sophi: Nao Toyama
- Cú Chulainn: Hina Kino
- Maria / Mao: Sarah Emi Bridcutt
- Iona: Aya Uchida
- Claire: Eri Yukimura
- Jessica: Haruka Shiraishi
- Clay: Shuichi Uchida
- Cassim: Tomohiro Ono
- Leonard: Tomohito Takatsuka
- Eliza: Konomi Kohara
- King Gilgamesh: Rikiya Koyama
- Asmodeus: Tetsu Inada