
Discord finally introduces the ability to send Voice Messages

Discord finally introduces the ability to send Voice Messages

Recently, Discord has finally introduced the ability to send Voice Messages in the app. As of now, you can only send Voice Messages through Discord's mobile app, but the messages can be listened via any device. Also, Voice Messages can only be sent in a direct message, group direct message, or in a server with less than 200 members.

Like many other messaging app, to record and send a Voice Message, you can press and hold the Mic button until you finish recording your message, and then release the button to send the message. Alternatively, you can also swipe up on the Mic button while holding it down to lock the recording mode in place, and then tap "send" once you're done recording. Cancelling Voice Messages works similarly by dragging your finger to the Trash icon while recording, or tapping the Trash icon with recording mode locked.

Previously, if you wanted to leave a message for your friends in a server, you had to either join the call in person or leave a text message. This new feature, while already common in other messaging apps, is still an icing on the cake as it allows you to leave Voice Messages in the group when both options aren't feasible, such as when you're driving. Now we'll just have to wait until the function becomes available via other devices in order to deliver a well-timed joke via Voice Messages through our PCs.


Source and Image Credit: Discord Support


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