Directed by Koichiro Ito, who was involved in Metal Gear Solid V, and with Yasuhito Tachibana (producer of The Naked Director) serving as the cinematographer and scenario director, the live-action mystery adventure game The Centennial Case: A Shijima Story released its latest trailer today, announcing that the game will be available on iOS / Android platforms starting April 25, 2023, for a special launch price of $17.99.
The Centennial Case: A Shijima Story is a live-ation mystery adventure game centered around the theme of eternal life. Players will tackle the mystery of a hundred-year-old murder case in the game. Four murder cases occur in three different eras: 1922, 1972, and 2022. Each story is divided into three parts: the Incident phase, the Reasoning phase, and the Solution phase, which lead players smoothly into the suspense. Explore different eras, collect various clues, and solve a century-old mystery.