The manga series Medalist, created by Japanese manga artist Tsurumaikada, has officially announced a TV anime adaptation. Alongside this announcement, a main visual and information about the production team have been also revealed. However, specific details regarding the broadcast date and voice cast have not yet been disclosed.
The plot of Medalist is set in Japan, which is also a powerhouse in figure skating worldwide, where only a selected few athletes have the opportunity to compete at the national level in the highly competitive All-Japan Championships. Tsukasa Akeuraji, a young man who failed to achieve his dream, and Inori Yuitsuka, a girl who is underestimated in terms of talent, share an unwavering passion for figure skating that sets them apart from others, which lead to the pair forming a partnership aiming to become world-class figure skaters.
- Directed by: Yasuka Yamamoto
- Series composed by: Jukki Hanada
- Characters designed by: Chinatsu Kameyama
- Studio: ENGI