The manga series Black Butler, created by Japanese manga artist Yana Toboso and serialized in Monthly GFantasy, previously introduced the third season of its anime adaptation in 2014. After several years, the official announcement was made today regarding the production of a new anime series. Along with this announcement, the production team has revealed brand new concept visuals, a teaser trailer, information about the production staff, as well as the voice cast lineup. The anime is scheduled to premiere in 2024.
The story of Black Butler is set in Victorian-era England during the reign of Queen Victoria in the 19th century. It revolves around the life of Ciel Phantomhive, the young head of the noble Phantomhive family, and his butler, Sebastian Michaelis. Through their lives, the series uncovers the hidden underworld and dark secrets lurking beneath the surface of society.
- Created by: Yana Toboso
- Directed by: Kenjiro Okada
- Series composed by: Hiroyuki Yoshino
- Characters designed by: Yumi Shimizu
- Music composed by: Ryou Kawasaki
- Studio: CloverWorks
- Ciel Phantomhive: Maaya Sakamoto
- Sebastian Michaelis: Daisuke Ono