
One Piece Odyssey will launch a DEMO version in January next year!

One Piece Odyssey will launch a DEMO version in January next year!

Bandai Namco announced that One Piece Odyssey will launch a DEMO version on January 10, 2023, available to Playstation 4 / Playstation 5 / Xbox One / Xbox Series users.

At the same time, the official also released a new trailer video titled “Memories” - Alabasta, Water Seven, Marineford, Dressrosa—The Straw Hat Crew’s adventure on Waford will take them on a journey through their memories of these four unforgettable One Piece arcs.

One Piece Odyssey will be officially released on January 12, 2023, for the Playstation 4 / Playstation 5 / Xbox One / Xbox Series platform, and the PC Steam version will be launched on January 13.


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